Seki city : the place making Japanese swords and a singer Lisa was born
Updated: Mar 7, 2024
Seki city has been well known for making Japanese swords. It's very famous in Japan, and this city has a history of 800 years about making cutlery. During the middle ages, making swords started here.
In the history of Seki, the most famous sword craftsman was called "Magoroku Kanesada". It's said that his swords were used by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Shingen Takeda, Toshimasa Maeda and others.
It's interesting, this place is known for the birth place of Lisa, who is a singer of "Kimestu-no-Yaiba". This is a title of a Japanese anime, which is very popular with young people around the world. This anime is also known for the English title "Demon Slayer". The title of the song of this anime is "Grenge", and Lisa's Japanese name is Risa Oribe.
The scenery for making Japanese swords is amazing. You can see it in Seki city and you definitely would be surprised to see that. Two craftsmen knock iron up with big hammers. Sparks are flying around them in the workshop.
Speaking of Japanese swords, samurais had used them a long time ago, but now they are seen as artistic works. It’s very beautiful. So, there are many collectors of them in Japan. But you can't buy them without a license, even if you want to buy, here in Japan.
As sword craftsmen in Seki, they are making them with traditional methods. Therefore, Seki city is getting popular for foreign tourists now. If you are interested in this kind of culture, try to visit Seki city.
My city is next to Seki city and there are relatives living in the city. So I often visit this place, which is a very simple place. I love this place.
My poor nephew He is currently working in this city, and he was a very energetic baseball player but he looks a little depressed now. I...