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The story of
Japanese immigrantin
into Bolivia
In the middle of the 20th century, we have a history that many Japanese people emigrated in Bolivia. One of them was my uncle, Shouichi.
My uncle Shouichi had moved to Bolivia by a cargo ship in the 50s, for his immigration. The journey had been very long, from Japan to Bolivia through Panama and Sao Paulo. So, it had taken about two months.
He emigrated in a small Japanese colony in the East region of Bolivia. The place was in Jungle. His early life was so wild and severe. Therefore many immigrants escaped out of the colony, he said to me.
And, I have listened to his long story from Shouichi. I wrote his biography in Japanese. I want many people to read it. So I attached the address of the article (PDF file) below.
Please try to access.
聞き書き あるボリビア移民の記録

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