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Hello, this is
Ryo Hanazawa News !

Life is troublesome.
It's not known for us what will happen tomorrow. It's okay only if you have a little money. You will find a friend who will help you, necessarily. Don't worry. You have tomorrow.

My name is Ryo. I was born in 1964. I like writing. I would like to be friends with you. Let's talk about life.


I am waiting for your letter! Let's get started to be pen pal. And I may sometimes talk with you in mixed language. I live in Gifu city, Japan.  

Ryo Hanazawa

(Shuji Suzuki)

Bolivia heno Tabi
This book will tell you the history about my uncle and family. これは私の伯父と家族の歴史についての本です. It's now on sale on Amazon!


Tandem ID : syuji9496752

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