My Memory of Snowy Mointain
Updated: Mar 5, 2024

Around the age of 50, I was crazy about climbing snowy mountains. On a day of clear sky you climb a snowy mountain then it's the best mood.
There are mountains called Tateyama in the Hokuriku region in Japan. This mountain is well known for its “snowy corridor”. Around April a snowy corridor is made on the road to Tateyama around 2000 altitude meters, as a result of removing snow. We call it “Yuki no Otani”. Amazingly, snow walls beside the road become 20 meters high.
When I climbed this mountain, although at the end of May, there were many Chinese tourists around us in a bus. Oh yes, their voices were very loud, so I soon noticed they were from China. This sightseeing spot is very popular for Asians.
After coming back home, I drew this painting. This landscape is a view from the top of Mount Tateyama.
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