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Japanese Tanka from Kyoto, it’s a beautiful love song

Writer: Ryo HanazawaRyo Hanazawa

階段を      ka i da n wo

二段跳びして   ni da n to bi shi te

上がりゆく    a ga ri yu ku

待ち合わせのなき ma chi a wa se no na ki

北大路駅     ki ta o u ji e ki

This poem was written by a young female poet, within Kyoto. Her name is Mikako Umenai, who is a famous poet. I lived in Kyoto around my young days so I love this poem. “Tanka 短歌” has rhythm of 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 sounds. This is a rule of Tanka and a beautiful rhythm for Japanese people. First, I would like to tell you the meaning of these Japanese words.

階段       stairway

二段跳び     double jumping

上がりゆく    going up

待ち合わせのなき without a promise of meeting

北大路駅     Kitaoji station

Kitaoji station is located in Northern Kyoto city and this station is metro. This poem expresses that the poet is going up stairs from the underground. You may feel some fresh feelings from this poem.

She was a university student at the time. And in this case, she didn’t have a promise to meet with someone there. In my understanding, “someone” means a boyfriend in this case. So, maybe, she wanted to have a promise to meet someone but she didn’t have that unfortunately. 

Around when she was living in Kyoto, I was also living in Kyoto as a student. So I can understand what she wanted to say well. Kyoto is a students’ town, so there are many young couples here and there. I can say, if you are walking in the town alone, you may feel a bit lonely. Because she must have been living in Kyoto alone. And, that’s why this poet wanted to have a promise of dating at this time. I understand this way.

She didn’t have a promise to meet someone, therefore she wrote this poem. I think this poem expresses her feelings very well. And, therefore I can say this poem is very beautiful.


Pascal Ducrey
Pascal Ducrey
Mar 23, 2024

Thank you for this new discovering , i love it...

空をゆく鳥の上には何がある  横断歩道(ゼブラ・ゾーン)に立ち止まる夏

sora o yuku tori no ue niwa nani ga aru zeburazôn ni tachidomaru natsu

what does exist

above the birds flying in the sky–

on this summer day

I stop in the middle

of the pedestrian crossings

Pascal Ducrey
Pascal Ducrey
Apr 01, 2024
Replying to

Thankyou. My place on this planet isJapan


The Deep Japan

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