Cicadas' chirping in Japan

It’s summer. Crazy sunshine is falling here today. Here in Japan, speaking of insects in summer, it’s cicadas.
When I get up in the morning, I don’t want to go to work if cicadas are chirping in front of my house. They are very loud. I always want to shout whenever I listen to their voice, “Shut up”.
It seems that there are countries which no cicadas live in. I heard it for the first time this year. Well I want to live in such a region.
This is a very famous Japanese Haiku. Japanese short poem. This poem is written by most famous Haiku poet Basho Matsuo. Basho was traveling all over Japan during Edo period. One day, when he was taking a rest, cicadas were chirping. It was very noisy. But he noticed. It seems that cicadas’ chirping is seeping into the rock in front of him. And, it's very noisy around him but his soul was in a quiet peaceful world.
Amazing. He had a beautiful artistic sense, different from me. Please taste this poem.
Silent time now—-
Seeping into the rock,
Cicada's voice.
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