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Adjective “Sugoi” has a wide range of meanings

We Japanese often use the adjective "すごい Sugoi." The word "すごい sugoi" has a wide range of meanings. When this word becomes an adverb, it becomes “すごく sugoku''.

First, let me give you an example of how to use this word.

すごい金持ち Sugoi-kanemochi super rich man

すごい野球選手 Sugoi-yakyu-sensyu Amazing baseball player

すごく嬉しい Sugoku ureshii very happy

すごくたいへん Sugoku taihen very difficult

Next, let's look at an example of a conversation to see how this word is used.

A : わたしは富士山にのぼりました Watashi wa Fujisan ni nobori mashita

B : それはすごいね Sore wa sugoi ne

C : かれは野球でホームランをたくさん打つよ Kare wa yakyu de homerun wo takusan utsu yo

D : かれはすごいよ Kare wa sugoi yo

A : きのう台風が来た Kino typhoon ga kita

B : すごい被害が起きてしまった Sugoi higai ga okite shimatta

C : あすは試験がある Asu wa shiken ga aru

D : わたしはそれがすごく怖い Watashi wa sore ga sugoku kowai

However, “すごい sugoi'' has a different meaning from the adjective “すばらしい subarashii.'' “すばらしい subarashii'' has the meaning of “wonderful,'' but “すごい sugoi'' does not really have the meaning of “wonderful.'' Here are some examples of incorrect usage of "すごい sugoi". This usage is a bit strange.

Bad Example;

E : わたしはあなたにギフトをおくりますWatashi wa anata ni gift wo okuri masu

F : それはすごい Sore wa sugoi 

Bad Example;

G : わたしはあなたと遊びにいきます Watashi wa anata to asobi ni iki masu

H : それはすごい Sore wa sugoi

Finally, I would like to introduce some variations of this word that young people use. They say things like "すげえ Sugee," “すんげえ Sungee” and “すっげー Suggei” which all mean the same thing.

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