Quiz: Which Japanese word is correct?
This is a conversation between a friend and me. My friend lost his wallet and was in a lot of trouble. He lost his wallet and he was in trouble because he didn't have the train fare to go back to his home. I walked around town with him looking for his wallet. However, the wallet was not found. So I lent him money to go home. What is the appropriate word to fit in ( ) below?
友だち : あなたが たすけてくれて とてもうれしかった。
わたし : ( )
1 : どういたしまして
2 : ごきげんよう
3 : ごめんなさい
Please feel free to answer in the comments section below.
This post is about the legal conditions related to foreigners working in Japan. If you are interested, please read on.
We Japanese often use the adjective "すごい Sugoi." The word "すごい sugoi" has a wide range of meanings. When this word becomes an adverb, it...