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"Rekah" by Dwianto


By Dwianto

Wrapped tightly in shackles.

Crawling on the ground, full of limitations.

The world feels dark, colorless.

The soul is confined, full of doubts.

Yet within, lies potential.

A hidden power, waiting to be unleashed.

Like a flower bud, ready to blossom.

The butterfly awaits, the time to change.

The process of transformation, full of struggle.

Breaking free from the shackles.

Breaking through obstacles, full of pain.

Towards the light, reaching for hidden dreams.

Until the time comes, beautiful wings unfold.

Learn from the butterfly.

that we are capable of transformation.

Discard doubts, face fears.

Step forward, achieve your dreams.

Like a caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly.

Let go of the shackles of the past, welcome the future.

Fly high, reach your dreams with confidence.


My Indonesian friend sent me this poetry this week. Yes, I understand his feelings that he discribed in this sentences. Everybody is struggling with something when they are younger like this way. However everybody has possibility to be a butterfly like this in the future. So you should not give up becoming your own butterfly. Because life can be beautiful for everyone.


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