"HOME" by Dwianto from Indonesia
I went home with tears they firmly wiped my cheeks
I came home with a long face they rained down smiles
I came home with mud as big as my body their love became a spring of water
I came home with an explosion of disappointment they poured an ocean of hope
I slammed the door loudly as I left full of anger
I crossed the white walls they had because of my mischief
I ruined the living room
I throw pillows and bolsters in the bedroom
My home remains a home
The door stays wide open no matter how hard I slam it.
The walls are always clean no matter how many times I scribble on them.
The living room is always tidy no matter how often I ravage it
My room is always tidy whenever I come back
I always thought my house was a miracle
I thought my house was sophisticated with the help of technology
I thought my house was a stupid building that couldn't fight back
I thought my house was just a place to go home after I partied with the outside world
I was wrong, I fell into error
My house is just a house, really a pile of bricks and cement
The real home is the life inside
Father and mother turned out to be the real home in the house I thought
Dad is a strong pillar that supports my good and bad behavior.
Mom is the pottery that embraces me in the cold of the night.
The love of my father and mother turned out to be a roof that kept me from the heat and rain.
The spring that radiates is in fact the sweat of my mother and father.
A home is just a home without a father and mother, a father and mother is a home
Father and mother are heaven that God dropped on earth.
Father and mother are the home we return to no matter what we experience.
Father and mother are the true home we return to.
This is a poetry which my friend made, and he lives in Indonesia. Poetry ties between hearts of people living in different countries. Yes, "house" doesn't mean just a building. Even if you are living in a big city or a tiny village, you can understand what this poet means. I can say that "house" means namely a family. Or I may be able to say that "house" means "wife," " husband," "siblings," "parent," or "lover." Maybe, you may say that house means homeland. Anyway, house means something that this young poet wrote here. For everone.

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What a nice poem! It's heartwarming